apkgbv.apcfss.in Kgbv Admission 2024 Ap, Final Merit List Pdf, Recruitment Notification, Salary

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apkgbv.apcfss.in Kgbv Admission 2024 Ap, Final Merit List Pdf, Recruitment Notification, Salary Check Online.

KGBV Admission

Kgbv Admission 2024 – apkgbv.apcfss.in

The Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya (KGBV) Admission for the year 2024 opens new doors of educational opportunities for girls in rural areas across India. KGBVs, established under the Government of India’s flagship Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan program, aims to provide quality education to girls from marginalised communities, ensuring their holistic development and empowerment.

Through a comprehensive admission process, KGBVs strive to identify and enrol deserving candidates, offering them access to education that fosters their growth, aspirations, and socio-economic mobility. As the application window for KGBV Admission 2024 unfolds, it represents a pivotal moment in the educational landscape, promising hope and transformation for countless young girls. Read the complete article to know more !!

We will know more about KGBV :

  • The admission process for KGBV for the academic year 2024-2025 entails selecting candidates for the available seats, including 40 seats each for Class 6th and Intermediate 1st year.
  • Specific guidelines are in place for filling leftover seats with candidates from nearby mandals, ensuring equitable access to education for deserving students.
  • The admission criteria for Minority KGBVs are delineated, outlining the process for selecting students for Class 11th.
  • The distribution of seats for each KGBV is specified, ensuring transparency and fairness in the admission process.
  • The article below contains detailed information on the selection guidelines, admission criteria, and distribution of seats for KGBV admissions 2024-2025.
Kgvb 2024-25 – Important Dates :
Activity Tentative Date
Testing of online application 7.03.2025
Press Note 11.03.2025
Start of online application 12.03.2025
Last date of submission of online applications 11.04.2025
Preparation of selection list for 6th class and for classes 7th, 8th and 9th left over seats for verification 15.04.2025
Verification of selection list by State Office 16th to 18th April, 2025
Release of selection list for classes 6th 7th , 8th and 9th to school login and communication to the Students selected 19.04.2025
Certificate Verification by respective KGBV principal at KGBV Level 19th to 24th April, 2025
Selection Process for Available Seats at KGBV :
Priority Criteria :
  • Out of School Children (OSC) and Dropouts : First priority goes to OSC and dropout children as per the list provided by the State Project Director, Samagra Shiksha.
  • Orphans : Second priority is given to orphan students (those without both parents).
  • Semi-orphans : Third priority is given to semi-orphan students (those with single parents).
  • Differently-abled Students : Fourth priority is allocated to differently-abled students with a benchmark of 40% disability, as defined by the Government.
Remaining Seat Allocation :
  • After fulfilling the above four categories, the remaining seats are filled following the Rule of Reservation mandated by the Government.
  • Admission process for the remaining seats commences after completing admissions for the first four categories.
Criteria for Filling Remaining Seats :
Category Percentage of Seats Reserved
Open Competition (All Communities) 50%
Scheduled Caste (SC) Students 15%
Scheduled Tribes (ST) Students 6%
Backward Class Category A (BCyA) Students 7%
Backward Class Category B (BCyB) Students 10%
Backward Class Category C (BCyC) Students 1%
Backward Class Category D (BCyD) Students 7%
Backward Class Category E (BCyE) Students 4%
Distribution of Seats for each KGBV :
Caste Reservation % No. of Seats to filled
Open competition 50 15
SC 15 5
ST 6 2
BCyA 7 2
BCyB 10 3
BCyC 1 0
BCyD 7 2
BCyE 4 1
Seats filled with OSC, orphans etc. 10
Guidelines for Filling Leftover Seats with Nearby Mandal Candidates :

a. Selection Process Based on Local Mandal and Nearby Mandals:

  • The entire admission process should consider the local Mandal as the primary unit for selection.
  • After completing admissions in the local Mandal, nearby Mandals will considered.
  • If there are more applications from nearby Mandals, priority will given as follows:
    • First priority: Scheduled Tribes (STs)
    • Second priority: Scheduled Castes (SCs)
    • Third priority: Backward Classes, with a common merit list prepared accordingly.

b. Common Seniority List for Classes 6th to 9th:

  • For classes 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th, a single seniority list for all castes will prepared.
  • Priority will given to candidates based on their position on the seniority list, determined by date of birth.

Selection Guidelines for Minority KGBVs :

i. Priority for Local Mandal Minority Communities:

  • First priority given to Out of School Children (OSC), Orphan, Semi-orphan, and Differently-abled students belonging to minority communities in the local Mandal.

ii. Reservation for Minority Students:

  • 75% of seats are reserved for minority students. If this quota not filled with local minority candidates, the remaining seats within this 75% and the remaining 25% of seats are filled following the rule of reservation outlined in para no. 4.

iii. Consideration of Nearby Mandal Minority Students:

  • If seats remain vacant, priority given to minority students from nearby Mandals as first priority, followed by other candidates from nearby Mandals as second priority, following the guidelines outlined in para no. 5.

Guidelines for Selection of Scheduled Area KGBVs:

i. 100% Reservation for Local Tribal Candidates:

  • KGBVs located in Scheduled areas should fill 100% of seats with local tribal OSC, Orphan, Semi-orphan, and differently-abled candidates.

ii. Priority for Local Tribal Candidates:

  • If no tribal candidates available, the remaining seats are filled with local tribal candidates from that particular Mandal.

iii. Consideration of Other Communities:

  • If seats remain vacant, unfilled seats filled with candidates from other communities in the local Mandal, such as SCs, BCs, and OCs, following the guidelines outlined in para no. 4.

iv. Priority for Nearby Mandal Tribal Students:

  • If seats remain vacant, priority given to tribal students from nearby Mandals as first priority, followed by other candidates as second priority, as per the rule of reservation explained in para no. 5.

Admission Criteria for Class 11th:

i. Preference for KGBV Students:

  • First preference given to students from the same KGBV, and second preference given to students who have studied in other KGBVs within the district only.

ii. Merit Consideration:

  • In case of excess candidates applying for one KGBV, merit in SSC examinations considered for filling the remaining seats after accommodating same KGBV students.
Guidelines for Selection of Scheduled Area KGBVs :
i. Seat Allocation Priority :
  • KGBVs located in Scheduled areas must allocate 100% of seats to local tribal OSC, Orphan, Semi-Orphan, and differently-abled candidates.
  • If no tribal candidates are available, the remaining seats should filled with local tribals from that particular mandal.
  • If seats remain vacant after the above steps, they should filled with candidates from other communities in the local Mandal, such as SCs, BCs, and OCs.
  • If seats are still vacant, priority should given to tribal students from nearby mandals first, followed by other communities, based on the rule of reservation.
ii. Admission Criteria for Class 11th :
  • Preference should given to students from the same KGBV for admission to Class 11th.
  • If more candidates apply for one KGBV, merit in SSC examinations will considered for filling the remaining seats after accommodating students from the same KGBV.
NOTE : The admission criteria used for filling vacant seats in the 7th, 8th, and 9th classes should mirror those applied for the 6th class.

OFFICIAL WEBSITE of AP Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya  >> apkgbv.apcfss.in

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