Bsnl Choose Your Mobile Number list online [Sim Choice Number], Fancy Numbers

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Bsnl Choose Your Mobile Number list online [Sim Choice Number], Fancy Numbers

BSNL offers VIP or vanity numbers, which are unique mobile numbers known for their distinctive digit combinations, making them easier to recall and providing a personalized identity. These numbers are classified into different tiers based on their popularity and the sequence of digits they feature. For those considering BSNL as their telecom provider, the company allows new subscribers to select their desired mobile number when acquiring a new SIM card. This flexibility is attracting many users, especially amidst recent tariff increases by other major telecom operators like Airtel, Jio, and Vi. Additionally, BSNL is progressively introducing its 4G services across India, with over 1000 sites already operational. Read the article below to know more about BSNL offers VIP or vanity numbers !

Premium Number Auction Dates :

This table provides details about ongoing premium number auctions for BSNL mobiles in different circles/states, including start and end dates, along with links to participate.

Circle / State Start Date End Date
UPWEST 03-AUG-2024 11-AUG-2024
UPEAST 02-AUG-2024 07-AUG-2024
ANDHRA PRADESH 27-JUL-2024 05-AUG-2024


Varieties of BSNL VIP numbers :
  • BSNL categorizes VIP numbers into various patterns based on demand and digit sequences.
  • Examples include numbers where the last five digits are even and identical.
  • Another pattern involves numbers where the first five digits repeat for the next five digits.
  • Some numbers end with ‘000’, forming another distinct category.
  • BSNL prices these VIP numbers based on their unique patterns and popularity in India.

Pattern and sample of Bsnl Vanity Number, Price

Pattern Description Sample Number Base Price (Rs)
ABCDEFG 786 Number last 3 digits ending with 786 9480067 786 1000
ABCD Ascending Numbers with Last 6 digits in ascending order 82 77 234567 10000
ABCDE ABCDE 1st 5 digits Repeats for next 5 digits 82775 82775 10000
A XYZ XYZ XYZ A group of 3 digits repeats thrice 8 762 762762 10000
ABCDEF 9999 Last 4 digits with ‘9’s 876207 9999 10000
ABCDE X (Even) Numbers with Last 5 Even digits identical 82772 00000 13000
ABCDE XXXXX (Odd) Numbers with Last 5 Odd digits identical 82771 55555 15000
ABCD X ABCD Y 1st 4 digits Repeats from 6th digit 9482 1 9482 2 2000
ABCDEFG 000 Last 3 digits with ‘000’ digits 948 04 05 000 2000
ABCD XXXXXX (Even Nos) Numbers with Last 6 digits identical 8277 444 444 20000
ABCDE 11111 Numbers with Last 5 digits ‘1’s 82775 11111 20000
ABCD XXXXXX (Odd No.s) Numbers with Last 6 digits identical 8277 111 111 22000
ABCDE XXXXX (Odd) Numbers with last 5 digits ‘7’s 82771 77777 25000
ABCD XYZ XYZ Last 6 digits of repletion of triple digit No 876206 0000 3000
ABCDE EDCBA Last 5 digits Shadow of 1st 5 digits 94839 93849 3000
ABCD XXX YYY Repetition of grp of 3 digits in last 6 digits 82 77 111 999 4000
ABCDEF XXXX (Even) Last 4 even digits identical 876206 0000 4000
ABCDWF Ascending Last 4 digits in Ascending Order 948 123 3456 4000
ABCD XY XY XY A group of 2 digits Repeats thrice 9483 07 07 07 5000
ABCDEF XXXX (Odd) Last 4 digits ‘ Odd’ digits 948330 7777 5000

This table provides a concise overview of different BSNL VIP number patterns, their descriptions, sample numbers, and base prices in Indian Rupees (Rs).

Acquiring a BSNL VIP Number :

1. Eligibility :

  • BSNL provides VIP Numbers through an e-auction process.
  • Eligible participants include individual customers, companies, and similar entities within the Licensed Service Area (Telecom Circle).

2. Documentation Requirements :

  • For Individuals :
    • Proof of Indian citizenship.
    • Valid identity and address proofs as per BSNL guidelines.
  • For Companies /Firms :
    • Indian company registration documents:
      • Certificate of Incorporation.
      • Articles and Memorandum of Association.
    • Latest acknowledged Income Tax return form.

3. Participation in E-Auction :

  • Register and participate in the e-auction conducted by BSNL for VIP Numbers.
  • Bid for the desired VIP number during the auction process.

4. Allocation and Activation :

  • The successful bidder will be allotted the VIP number post-auction.
  • The VIP number will be activated with all associated services per the chosen BSNL plan, including SMS, MMS, and international roaming, as per BSNL’s published tariffs.
BSNL Vanity Numbers :

This table summarizes how BSNL offers vanity numbers for mobile customers, categorized into different levels based on their auction cycles and pricing structure.

Category Description Auction Cycles Pricing
Level-1 Plus Fancy numbers sold after 3 successful e-auction cycles at the last bid price 3 e-auction Last successful e-auction price + taxes
Level-1 Fancy numbers sold after 3 successful e-auction cycles at the last bid price 3 e-auction Last successful e-auction price + taxes
Level-2 Fancy numbers sold after 1 successful e-auction cycle 1 e-auction Auction price + taxes
Level-3 Fancy numbers sold after 1 successful e-auction cycle 1 e-auction Auction price + taxes


Benefits of Owning a BSNL VIP Number :

Distinct Identity:

  • A BSNL VIP number offers a unique and stylish identity for your mobile.
  • The number features special digit combinations that are easy to remember.

Versatile Use:

  • Suitable for both personal and professional purposes.
  • Ideal for individuals and businesses seeking a memorable contact number.

Business Advantage:

  • Enhances professional image with a memorable contact number.
  • Useful for marketing and branding purposes, ensuring easy recall by clients and customers.
Mobile Tariffs for BSNL mobiles (postpaid and prepaid) :

This table outlines the various categories of vanity numbers available for BSNL mobiles, along with examples and corresponding charges in Indian Rupees (Rs).

Level No. Sequence Example Charges (Rs.)
Level 1 94MSC xxxxx 94120 00000 3000
94MSC 94MSC 94120 94120
94MSC consecutive nos. 94120 23456
94 MSMSMSMS 94 12121212
Level 2 94MSCa xxxx 94120 3 0000 2000
94MS xyxyxy 9412 03 03 03
94 MSCx MSCx 94 1200 1200
94MSC 94(MSC+1) 94120 94121
Level 3 94MSCa b 000 941203 4 000 1000
94MSCa consecutive nos 941204 3456
94MSC MSC MSC (2digit) 94120 120 12
94MSC CSM49 (Mirror) 94120 02149
94MS xy (xy+1) (xy+2) 9412 14 15 16
94MS xxx yyy 9412 000 111


Procedure to Choose a Fancy Phone Number on :
  • Visit the BSNL Website : Go to the official BSNL website –
  • Navigate to Mobile Services Section : Look for the section related to mobile services. This is usually found under tabs like ‘Mobile’ or ‘Services’.
  • Select Fancy Number Option : Within the mobile services section, find and click on the option specifically for ‘Fancy Numbers’ or ‘Choose Your Fancy Number’.
  • Login or Register : If you have a BSNL account, log in using your credentials. If not, you may need to register as a new user.
  • Search for Available Numbers : Once logged in, you can search for available fancy numbers. BSNL typically provides options to search by specific digits or patterns.
  • Browse and Select a Number : Browse through the list of available fancy numbers that match your preferences. Each number will display its pattern, example number, and price.
  • Bid or Purchase : Depending on BSNL’s auction process, you may need to bid for certain numbers. For others, you can directly purchase the number at the listed price.
  • Complete the Transaction : Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the transaction. This may involve making an online payment and confirming your selection.
  • Activation : After the transaction is successful, BSNL will activate the chosen fancy number for your mobile service.
  • Confirmation and Receipt : Ensure you receive confirmation of your purchase. Keep any receipts or transaction IDs for your records.
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