⁠education.maharashtra.gov.in Mdm Portal (School) login App

Official Web Portal : ⁠education.maharashtra.gov.in Mdm Portal Maharashtra ( School ) login App

⁠education.maharashtra.gov.in Mdm Portal (School) login App

The Government of Maharashtra has implemented a digital system for recording mid-day meal information across all government and aided schools. To track meals served, not served, and total meals, the School and Sports Department of Maharashtra has launched the MDM Portal. This digital platform will allow school management to record daily meal data efficiently.

School management and staff are required to register on the official MDM Portal to input or review meal information. They can log in via the official portal or download the MDM app provided by the School and Sports Department of Maharashtra. The portal will facilitate the comparison of student attendance with the number of meals served each day. For any queries or issues related to the MDM Portal, authorities can contact the nearest Taluka MDM office.

The Mid Day Meal Scheme is implemented in all government and aided private schools in Maharashtra, providing lunch to all students. Daily attendance and the number of meals served must recorded on the website : education.maharashtra.gov.in. This task is typically handled by the head teacher or another designated teacher.

Alternatively, you can use the MDM mobile app to fill in this information. The app allows for data entry without repeated logins, making it a convenient and efficient method. Once registered on the app, you only need to update the attendance and menu for each day.

MDM Portal MDM Daily Attendance
Introduction The Mid Day Meal Scheme implemented in all government and aided private schools in Maharashtra, providing lunch to all students.
Daily Reporting Every day, the number of students who attend and eat lunch must recorded on the website : education.maharashtra.gov.in.
Responsibility This task is performed by the head teacher or another designated teacher of the school.
Mobile App Convenience
Information Entry Information can also filled using the MDM mobile app.
Login Efficiency The app eliminates the need to log in repeatedly, making it the most convenient and simple method.
Initial Registration Initial registration is required when you get the app.
Daily Updates After registration, you only need to fill in the attendance and menu for that day.


महाराष्ट्रातील सर्व सरकारी आणि सहाय्यक खासगी शाळांमध्ये मध्याह्न जेवण योजना अंमलात आली आहे, ज्यामुळे सर्व विद्यार्थ्यांना जेवण दिले जाते. दररोज विद्यार्थ्यांची उपस्थिती आणि सेवलेल्या जेवणांची संख्या शैक्षणिक महाराष्ट्र या वेबसाइटवर नोंदविणे आवश्यक आहे: education.maharashtra.gov.in. ह्या कामाची सामान्यता मुख्य शिक्षक किंवा दुसरा नियुक्त शिक्षक करतात.

पर्यायीपणे, आपण MDM मोबाइल ऍप वापरून ही माहिती भरू शकता. या ऍपवर अधिकृत लॉगिनची आवश्यकता नसते, यामुळे ही विधान एक सोपी आणि दक्षिण पद्धत आहे. एकदा ऍपवर नोंदणी केल्यानंतर, आपल्याला प्रत्येक दिवशी उपस्थिती आणि मेनू अद्यतनित करायचं आहे.

About the MDM Portal :
  • Purpose of Mid-Day Meals : Mid-Day Meals are free lunches provided in government schools. These meals are nutritious and designed to encourage regular school attendance.
  • Current Challenges : Discrepancies often occur between the quantity of stock withdrawn and the number of meals actually served.
  • Introduction of the MDM Portal : To address these challenges, the School and Sports Department of Maharashtra has launched the MDM Portal.
  • Functionality of the MDM Portal : School management is required to register on the portal. Daily data on meals served, prepared, and student attendance must be entered into the system.

Benefits of the MDM Maharashtra Portal :
  • Transparent Process : Ensures a clear and open process from the procurement of raw materials to the final consumption by students.
  • Daily Data Records : Provides daily data that helps in understanding patterns and trends in-depth.
  • Efficient Record Keeping : Digital record keeping eliminates delays, reduces paper use, and minimizes manual effort.
  • Identifying Improvement Areas : Helps authorities easily identify areas needing improvement.
Eligibility for MDM Portal Login and Registration :
  • Access Limitations : The MDM Portal is intended for government or aided schools in Maharashtra.
  • Authorized Users : Only school management and government officials can access the portal.
To activate the Student New Entry Tab :
  • Step 1: Visit the student portal at education.maharashtra.gov.in and log in at student.maharashtra.gov.in.
  • Step 2: Click on the MENU button and navigate to Excel. Download the Personal Data option.
  • Step 3: Open the downloaded file and fill in the required student information.
  • Step 4: Save the file in CSV format.
  • Step 5: Upload the file on the student portal under the Excel section by selecting the Upload Personal option.
How to Download the MDM App ?
  • Google Play Store : While the app is available on the Google Play Store, finding the correct app can challenging due to the number of similar apps.
  • MDM Portal : For ease, download the app directly from the MDM portal.
  • Steps to Download :
    • Visit the MDM portal at – education.maharashtra.gov.in.
    • On the homepage, look for the MDM application (app).
    • Click on the MDM application link.
    • Download the app from the provided link.
  • Location : The app will available at the specified location on the MDM portal.
How to Fill Daily Attendance on MDM Portal ?
  • Login Procedure :
    • Open the provided link to access the login window.
    • Enter User ID (school’s UDISE code) and Password to login.
  • Filling Attendance :
    • Select the previous month in the Daily Attendance section.
    • Check the working days of the school.
    • Select the date where information is missing despite it being a working day.
    • Record attendance for each class.
    • Save the information, review it, and finalize.
    • Repeat the above steps as necessary.
  • Assistance :
    • If you encounter any issues, contact your Taluka MDM office.
  • Important Notice :
    • Backdated data entry for MDM in December has started. Ensure all schools complete their MDM login and data entry.
  • Contact Information :
    • For regular updates, search for the blog “pradipjadhao” on Google.
    • Like, share, and comment on our YouTube channel for video information.
Steps to Fill Recent Data :

    1. MDM Login :
      • Use Google Chrome to search for MDM login.
      • Enter the UDISE number as the User ID.
      • Enter the school’s MDM password and captcha code.
      • Click the submit button after logging in.
    2. Calendar Review :
      • Review the calendar. Blue dates indicate filled information.
      • Select the year 2023 instead of 2024 for previous year data.
      • Open the December 2023 calendar and check for missing information.
    3. Update Attendance :
      • Touch the MDM daily attendance section.
      • Select the specific date.
      • Enter class-wise attendance and number of plates.
      • Choose the grain details for that day.
      • Click the update button.
    4. Confirmation :
      • A “successfully updated” message will appear after filling the information.

OFFICIAL WEBSITE >> Maharashtra MDM PORTAL >> education.maharashtra.gov.in

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